
Developers accountability in Scrum

Developers accountability in Scrum

John Coleman

TLDR: Developers: Are members of the Scrum Team who do the work on the Increment toward the Product Goal, whether that's marketing work, legal work, business analysis, software development, or...

Developers accountability in Scrum

John Coleman

TLDR: Developers: Are members of the Scrum Team who do the work on the Increment toward the Product Goal, whether that's marketing work, legal work, business analysis, software development, or...

When Will Scrum Die?

When Will Scrum Die?

John Coleman

When will scrum die? Some people would say it's already dying. There's so much inauthentic, scrum being done, unprofessional, scrum being done in the world. Whereas scrum is part of...

When Will Scrum Die?

John Coleman

When will scrum die? Some people would say it's already dying. There's so much inauthentic, scrum being done, unprofessional, scrum being done in the world. Whereas scrum is part of...