Different Types of Product Owners
What are the different categories of product owner? This blog post outlines all the different types of product owners as well as the characteristics/pros and cons of each by considering...
Different Types of Product Owners
What are the different categories of product owner? This blog post outlines all the different types of product owners as well as the characteristics/pros and cons of each by considering...
Can scrum be used outside software development?
Can scrum be used outside software development? Absolutely. There's something very important though. In terms of credibility of you as a leader or as a coach or practitioner working...
Can scrum be used outside software development?
Can scrum be used outside software development? Absolutely. There's something very important though. In terms of credibility of you as a leader or as a coach or practitioner working...
When Will Scrum Die?
When will scrum die? Some people would say it's already dying. There's so much inauthentic, scrum being done, unprofessional, scrum being done in the world. Whereas scrum is part of...
When Will Scrum Die?
When will scrum die? Some people would say it's already dying. There's so much inauthentic, scrum being done, unprofessional, scrum being done in the world. Whereas scrum is part of...
Leader vs Scrum Master, what is the difference ...
What is the difference? By analyzing what should a scrum master be doing and what would a leader do, we can understand that there is not much difference. Why do...
Leader vs Scrum Master, what is the difference ...
What is the difference? By analyzing what should a scrum master be doing and what would a leader do, we can understand that there is not much difference. Why do...
Who is responsible for a scrum team's performance?
The scrum master is now on the hook for the effectiveness of the scrum team. So the buck stops with the scrum master. And the reason that this was introduced,...
Who is responsible for a scrum team's performance?
The scrum master is now on the hook for the effectiveness of the scrum team. So the buck stops with the scrum master. And the reason that this was introduced,...
Agility and Sustainability
What level of travel is involved when people are producing your products and services? Are we getting components on the other side of the planet when they could have been...
Agility and Sustainability
What level of travel is involved when people are producing your products and services? Are we getting components on the other side of the planet when they could have been...